Learning Twittering - Follow Me!

I have rarely seen as unique and innovative social networking site as twitter - simply amazing! It works great even when you are outdoor, i.e., away from your PC. Interesting part of it is that you do not need to write big blogs, or add great photos/videos to get attention . You simply share what you see/think/read/do at any moment. Whenever you find something interesting , whether offline/online - update it!

You can stay connected with the community using your keep-me-alive mobile handset via SMS! If you want to explore more, take a look at the 3D animated public timeline graphics representation! Mind-whirling! Yah! I mean it!

When I started, I just could not made up my mind where to go, or how to proceed? But now I know there is nothing as simple as twittering to get attention. Keep an eye on your followers (persons who care to listen to your updates!) - also do not neglect the inputs from the person whom you are following ( You must be a good listener- that's the basic needs)

OK! Fine! Understood! So what about website promotion? Once you have developed your credibility, you can tell your followers to digg you, or follow your blog post. But do not be boring, please.

Do you get it? If so, follow me on twitter!


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